Integrating the Design Process with 3D Technology & Lessons Learned from the Winter Cycling Congress

Integrating the Design Process with 3D Technology

There is a lot of buzz about how the implementation of 3D design is improving the efficiency of construction activities. This discussion will address how the effective use of technology is changing the way the DESIGN of infrastructure is completed.

3D design has been used for a long time; however, the real efficiency is in how are we can utilize the advancements in the technological tools to integrate the design process to increase value and quality. Thinking about how to produce and deliver the 3D design and how that incorporates estimates, quantities and specifications has as much potential to provide value to the project life cycle as improving construction activities.

The process integration includes looking at impacts to the full project lifecycle from planning to construction with a focus on the preliminary and final design stages. New technologies allow us to modify workflows to focus on tasks that provide value and increase efficiency in the development of a project. Using project examples, the discussion will touch on the following key topics.

• A brief background on traditional workflows,

• Current tools and advancements in technology that are available to us as engineers, and

• Different ideas on how we might be able to evolve those workflows as a result of new tools.

Sharing Lessons from the Winter Cycling Congress

The fourth Winter Cycling Congress was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota in February. The congress was an international gathering of planners, engineers, and advocates working towards increasing bicycle and pedestrian activity throughout the winter. Andrew will be sharing the best practices and lessons learned from the conference.

Joni Wilm will be presenting on the power of effective community engagement in creating winter cycling cities. Learn what other cities are doing successfully to promote and foster winter cycling at every age level. Winter carnivals, winter bike art, organized community rides and so much more can be influential in changing public perception, encouraging implementation of safe infrastructure and creating equity in low income communities. Lastly, learn about the evolution of fat bikes and how they are transforming Anchorage into a winter biking mecca. (Note: Joni is not able to make the Juneau presentation. Andrew will cover this material.)

Andrew Ooms will also be presenting on the latest best practices in bike lanes and pedestrian facilities from Minneapolis, Montreal, and Finland. He will be sharing the maintenance strategies used successfully in Minneapolis to clear snow and maintain striping throughout the winter. Learn about pedestrian and bicycle count strategies and equipment suitable for winter cities. Andrew will also present on how the variation in climate between winter cities affects the facilities and maintenance approaches and how this variation translates to Alaska conditions.

About the Presenters:

Jason Simmers, Associate Engineer, Kittelson & Associates

Jason is a skilled project manager and roadway design engineer with 16 years of experience focused on roadway widening and reconstruction projects for local and state DOTs. He specializes in geometric design principles and intersection modification projects and has developed a strong understanding of how to efficiently and effectively move a project through the development process. Jason has led, and participated, in a variety of transportation engineering projects using a performance based design philosophy and utilizing experience with innovative survey and design methods. Jason is now focusing efforts to develop design workflows that integrate new technologies and tools into the infrastructure project development process that improve the value and quality of design products.

Andrew Ooms, Senior Engineer, Kittelson & Associates

Andrew Ooms, PE, is a Senior Engineer with Kittelson & Associates in Anchorage. He is experienced in a wide variety of transportation engineering and planning fields, with primary interests in safety, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and traffic operations. He is working on a variety of projects throughout Alaska, including developing a pedestrian/bicycle count methodology for FMATS in Fairbanks, implementing the Anchorage Bicycle Plan, and improving non-motorized facilities along Glacier Highway in Juneau.

Joni Wilm, Senior Transportation Planner, Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS)

Joni Wilm is a Senior Transportation Planner and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS). A life-long Alaskan, Joni is passionate about making Alaska a place where people are encouraged to live healthy lives through safe, convenient transportation options that include bicycling and walking. Some of her current projects include working on a complete streets policy for Anchorage, Anchorage’s first transit oriented development plan (Spenard Corridor Strategic Plan), managing content for the BikeLife Anchorage magazine, serving on the advisory committee for Anchorage’s Vison Zero program and updating Anchorage’s Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trails plans.

This TES workshop is equal to 3.0 PDH.

There is no cost to attend this workshop and snacks/refreshments will be provided.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Andrew Ooms at (907) 646-7995 or .

We look forward to seeing you there!