KAI's Transportation Education Series provides interactive presentation sessions intended to promote professional development and advancements in transportation engineering and planning.
Participants will earn a total of 1.5 professional development hours (PDH).
As part of Kittelson & Associates’ ongoing Transportation Education Series (TES), Lee Rodegerdts will be co-presenting a session with Andy Daleiden on the application of roundabouts in corridors. The presentation will provide an overview of recent national research on the applications of corridors of roundabouts, defined as three or more roundabouts in series, as well as a case study for a 5-mile long, urban corridor in Cedar Falls and Waterloo, Iowa. The first part of the presentation and discussion will be led by Lee and will focus on the recent research that Lee led for the National Cooperative Highway Research Program in NCHRP Report 772 (NCHRP Project 03-100): Evaluating the Performance of Corridors with Roundabouts. Topics include the following:
In the second part of the presentation, Andy will present a case study of the University Avenue/IA 934 Corridor in Cedar Falls and Waterloo, Iowa. The Iowa DOT and local agencies initiated a master plan (adopted in 2010) and environmental assessment (record of decision in 2014) to improve pavement and bridge conditions, enhance safety, provide bicycle and pedestrian safety, improve traffic flow, and support economic growth and revitalization in the corridor. These efforts led to a preferred alternative that will transform the six-lane highway to a four-lane roadway with bicycle and pedestrian facilities, landscape treatments, and potentially up to twelve multilane roundabouts. Since the EA was completed, the City of Cedar Falls initiated the design phase of the west end of the corridor (~ 2 miles), which includes six multilane roundabouts. Project construction is anticipated to begin in 2016.
This presentation is tailored towards engineers, planners, and policymakers. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity for questions and an interactive discussion.
Principal Engineer, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Lee has over 22 years of broad experience in traffic operations, traffic design, transportation planning, and transportation research and education. He has been involved in all aspects of roundabout consulting, research, and guide development since 1997. Lee has led or is leading major national research projects on roundabouts, including Principal Investigator for NCHRP Report 672, Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, Second Edition; NCHRP Report 572, Roundabouts in the United States; NCHRP Report 772, Evaluating the Performance of Corridors with Roundabouts, NCHRP Project 03-110, Estimating the Life-Cycle Costs of Intersection Designs (ongoing), and FHWA TOPR 34, Accelerating the Implementation of Roundabouts (ongoing). He regularly presents at annual meetings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers and has taught over 50 short courses on roundabouts throughout North America and overseas. He serves on TRB’s Committee on Roundabouts and the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices’ roundabout task force. He previously served as a member of the TRB Committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service and chair of its Unsignalized Intersections Subcommittee.
Associate Engineer, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Andy is an associate engineer with 16 years of experience and has participated in a variety of traffic engineering, transportation planning, and functional design projects in the Northwest and Mountain West states, Maryland, and Florida. He has contributed to studies involving transit planning and operations, traffic impact analysis, intersection conceptual design, signal timing and design, and access management. His project experience includes working with many public and private sector clients to bring transportation solutions to their communities. Andy managed the traffic operations element of the University Avenue/IA 934 Environmental Assessment (EA) in Cedar Falls and Waterloo, Iowa, which included alternatives with 12 multilane roundabouts to alternatives with a mix of 20 single and multilane roundabouts.
Registration & networking begins at 8:00 am. Presentation will begin promptly at 8:30am and run until 10:00am.
This TES workshop is equal to 1.5 PDH.
There is no cost to attend this workshop and snacks/refreshments will be provided.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Robyn Austin at (208) 338-2683.
We look forward to seeing you there!