This workshop will focus on the Multimodal Level-of-Service (MMLOS) elements incorporated into the updated Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). A significant enhancement to the HCM is a multimodal approach, a critical element of the Complete Streets concept, throughout the manual: rather than separate stand-alone chapters for pedestrians, bicycles, and transit, information relevant to those modes is presented side-by-side with material for the automobile mode wherever feasible.
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. will introduce and illustrate best practices in the field of Complete Streets using case studies from around the country. During the workshop, attention will be given to the obstacles that had to be overcome and the solutions that worked. Group discussion will focus on how those same obstacles currently come to bear on local efforts to complete streets. The goal is to help identify and tailor practices that will further strengthen the region’s move toward creating, connecting and complimenting great places with great multimodal rights-of-way.
Lunch will be provided.