On behalf of Kittelson & Associates, Inc. in Sacramento (formerly Dowling Associates) we are pleased to invite you to attend our new Transportation Education Series (TES) workshop. These interactive workshops focus on a wide range of topics and are intended to promote professional development and advancements in transportation engineering and planning. The sessions also provide a unique forum for transportation professionals from a wide range of public agencies to share their ideas, best practices, and challenges. Participants earn credits that can be applied to continuing education requirements. We have a wonderful opportunity lined up for you in July 17th regarding Complete Streets and the Highway Safety Manual. ***Light snacks and drinks will be provided.***
HCM MMLOS Overview: A “Complete Streets†Approach to Getting from Place to Place
The HCM MMLOS workshop will focus on the Multimodal Level-of-Service (MMLOS) elements incorporated into the updated Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). A significant enhancement to the HCM is a multimodal approach, a critical element of the Complete Streets concept, throughout the manual: rather than separate stand-alone chapters for pedestrians, bicycles, and transit, information relevant to those modes is presented side-by-side with material for the automobile mode wherever feasible.
Kittelson & Associates, Inc. will introduce and illustrate best practices in the field of Complete Streets using case studies from around the country. During the workshop, attention will be given to the obstacles that had to be overcome and the solutions that worked. Group discussion will focus on how those same obstacles currently come to bear on local efforts to complete streets.
Introduction to the Highway Safety Manual
The AASHTO Highway Safety Manual (HSM) provides practitioners with factual information and tools to facilitate roadway design and operational decisions based on explicit consideration of their safety consequences. Prior to the HSM, there were no such widely accepted tools available for agencies responsible for managing the safety of our roadways, which resulted in safety considerations carrying little weight in the project development process. The HSM can be used to quantify and predict the safety performance of the variety of elements considered in road planning, design, maintenance, construction, and operations.
The HSM has four parts: 1) Introduction and Fundamentals, 2) Roadway Safety Management Process, 3) Predictive Method, and 4) Crash Modification Factors. Participants in the workshop will gain an overview understanding of the tools available in each part and how they are applicable to the decision-making process.
Kamala Parks Senior Planner, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Oakland, CA
Working out of Kittelson’s Oakland office, Kamala specializes in pedestrian and bicycle planning, multi-modal transportation planning and analysis, Americans with Disabilities Act compliance, streetscape projects, transportation demand management (TDM) programs, collision analysis, school access, and circulation elements of EIRs. She was involved in research that led to the development of the Multimodal Level of Service for Urban Streets methodology that was incorporated into the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual and was one of the first practitioners to apply the methodology to projects. She is currently the President of the San Francisco Bay Area Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).
Brian Ray Principal Engineer, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Portland, Oregon
Brian offers more than 25 years' experience in multi-modal transportation planning, traffic engineering, and contextual roadway design. He has performed location design and engineering evaluations for a variety of corridor studies and environmental impact review documents across the United States. He specializes in applying a systems approach in developing transportation solutions. His arterial experience includes conventional and modern roundabout intersection design. His design experience includes developing and evaluating conceptual alternatives for freeway, highway, and arterial street systems. His safety related experience includes serving as a technical senior resource and providing quality assurance review for integrating safety into existing planning and design processes and projects as well as oversight and guidance for developing training course materials on how to perform safety analysis. Brian routinely conducts training courses on applying the Highway Safety Manual, Roadway Geometric Design, Modern Roundabouts, and Context Sensitive Solutions.