Travel Time Reliability
On behalf of Kittelson & Associates, Inc. in Sacramento, Oakland, and Southern California, and Wallace Group, San Luis Obispo, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments is proud to invite you to attend a KAI/WG sponsored and SLOCOG hosted Transportation Education Series (TES) workshop. These interactive workshops focus on a wide range of topics and are intended to promote professional development and advancements in transportation engineering and planning. The sessions also provide a unique forum for transportation professionals from a wide range of public agencies to share their ideas, best practices, and challenges. Participants earn credits that can be applied to continuing education requirements. We have a wonderful opportunity lined up for you on October 27th to introduce the concept of Travel Time Reliability.
Monday, October 27, 2014
City of San Luis Obispo Public Library
995 Palm St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
***Free Lunch will be provided by Kittelson & Associates and Wallace Group***
About the Presentation:
Travel time reliability is a measure that's becoming increasingly important to public agencies, elected officials, and most importantly the traveling public. The reliability concept is less than a decade old and continues to be explored and advanced through research programs such as the Transportation Research Board’s Strategic Highway Research Program 2. During this session attendees will learn the history and current state-of-the practice of reliability, key concepts and performance measures, and a description of how reliability concepts are currently being applied to mainstream traffic operations and planning activities as well as advancements for the state of the practice for future applications. In addition, a local real world case study will be presented as described below.
Under contract with San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) and funded through a Caltrans interregional planning grant, Kittelson & Associates is close to completing a comprehensive analysis of the US 101 corridor within San Luis Obispo County. This study, titled the US101 Corridor Mobility Master Plan, holistically examined both existing and future conditions along approximately 70 miles of the corridor (county line to county line) in San Luis Obispo County and identified four focus segments spanning approximately 25 miles of corridor for more detailed analysis and identification of improvements. As part of this effort, KAI collected approximately four months of continuous travel time data along the entire 70 mile stretch of US101 in San Luis Obispo County to establish baseline travel time reliability measurements. How these baseline travel time reliability measurements on US101 are projected to change in the future – with and without the implementation of the US101 Corridor Mobility Master Plan recommended improvements – will be presented and discussed. The study will still be in draft form at the time of this TES so all US101 results should be considered preliminary.
Session attendees can expect to learn the following:
• Travel Time Reliability Concepts and definitions
• Travel Time Reliability applications for performance measurement
• Travel Time Reliability analysis tools
• Data needs for measuring travel time reliability
• US101 Corridor - local application
• Research and future directions
Registration & networking begins at 11:30am. Presentations with Q&A will start at noon and run until 2pm. TES workshop attendees are eligible for 2.0 Professional Development Hour credits (PDH). Lunch will be provided and there is no cost to attend this workshop.
We look forward to seeing you there!
About the Presenters
Jim Damkowitch , Principal Planner, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Sacramento, California
Jim Damkowitch has over 20 years of experience in applied regional transportation planning including macro/micro scale traffic and operational analyses, macro/micro transportation, performance measurement and air quality modeling applications. He has served on state and regional planning committees on transportation-air quality conformity and congestion management. Jim has served as project manager for a variety of large scale corridor studies including SLOCOG101 Mobility Master Plan, the South Coast 101 HOV Project in Santa Barbara, US-50 HOV Project, I-580 Interregional Multi-Modal Corridor Study, SR-99 Widening in Merced County; and, several travel demand modeling and air quality modeling studies. He has served a variety of clients including Caltrans, MPO’s and various cities and counties in California. Prior to joining KAI, Jim accrued 15 years of MPO/RTPA multi-modal transportation planning experience for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments where he focused on both the technical and legislative requirements of congestion management, travel demand modeling, regional plan development, and micro/macro air quality modeling and on-road mobile source emission inventory development.
Richard G. Dowling , PH.D., P.E., Senior Principal Engineer, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Dr. Richard G. Dowling, P.E. is a licensed Civil and Traffic Engineer in the State of California. He has over 30 years of experience in transportation planning, traffic engineering operations, research and education as a municipal employee and as a consultant.
Dr. Dowling recently completed a FHWA funded study (FHWA TM&O 13-13) to develop a Primer for Incorporating Travel Time Reliability in the Congestion Management Process. He is also participating in NCHRP 7-22 - Guide for Highway Capacity Manual for addressing travel time reliability in the next update of the HCM. He has also has been the principal investigator for several National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) projects including: NCHRP 3-97, Traffic Signal Analysis with Varying Demands and Capacities, NCHRP 3-55(2), Planning Techniques for Estimating Speed and Level of Service, NCHRP 25-21, Predicting Short-Term and Long-Term Air Quality Effects of Traffic-Flow Improvement Projects, and NCHRP 3-70, Multimodal Level of Service for Urban Streets.
He led the development of a new chapter in the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual on Active Traffic Management.
Dr. Dowling was chairman of the Transportation Research Board committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service (AHB40) from 2001 to 2010. He was extensively involved in the development of the 1994, 1997, 2000 and Year 2010 Highway Capacity Manuals. He developed the TRAFFIX and CSLOS software to aid analysts in the application of the Highway Capacity Manual to traffic impact analyses and the multimodal analysis of “Complete Streetsâ€. He also served on the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) panel of experts overseeing the update of the Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual 3rd Edition (TCRP A-15C).
Darryl dePencier, AICP, GISP, Planner, Kittelson & Associates, Inc., Sacramento, California
Darryl has nearly 10 years of experience in transportation planning, particularly in regional scale system performance measurement. Recently, he has assisted the Southeast Florida Transportation Council to develop their first Regional Transportation System Performance Measurement Plan, conducted several iterations of the Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization’s annual State of the System Report, and a pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of Caltrans’ Smart Mobility Framework as a tool for prioritization of innovative transportation solutions.
He is currently supporting SLOCOG on the US 101 Corridor Mobility Master Plan as well as Regional Transportation Plans in the San Joaquin Valley.